Fredericton (N.B.) - On March 21, 2024, members of the Fredericton Police Force (FPF) Street Crimes unit, assisted by Patrol division, arrested three individuals. Two individuals were arrested on fraud charges stemming from distributing counterfeit US currency around the Province and one individual was arrested on theft of vehicle charges.
As a result, Tyler Depow, 33, of Fredericton, was charged with the following criminal offences:
• Uttering Counterfeit Money X 6 s. 452(a)CC
• Possession of Counterfeit Money X6 s. 450(b)CC
• Breach of Probation X 6 s. 733.1(1)(a)CC
• Fraud over $5000.00 s. 389(1)(a)CC
• False Pretense s. 362(2)(a)(i)CC
• Identity Fraud s. 430(3)(a)CC
A female, age 36, of Fredericton, NB was charged with the following criminal offences:
• 5 Counts of Uttering Counterfeit Money s.452(a)CC and
• 5 Counts of Possession of Counterfeit Money s.450(b)CC
Ty Nichol, 26 of Fredericton, NB was charged with the following criminal offences:
• Break and Enter s. 348(1)(a) CC
• Breach of Probation X3 s. 733.1CC
• Obstruction X2 s. 129(a)CC
• Driving while suspended X2 s.345(1) MVA
• Possession of Property Obtained by crime over X2 $5000.00 X2 s. 354(1)(a)CC
• Possession of Identity Documents s. 56.1(1) CC
• Possession of Credit card s. 342(1)(c)(i) CC
• Flight from Peace Officer s. 320.17 CC
• Dangerous Operation of a Conveyance s. 320.13(1)CC
• Possession of a Controlled Substance s.4 (1) CDSA
Depow and Nichol remain in-custody and will return to court at a later time. The 36-year old female appeared before a judge and was released on conditions.
Media contact:
Sonya Gilks
Public Information Officer
Fredericton Police Force