Cricket Field Feasibility Study Makes Recommendations

City Hall

The City of Fredericton Cricket Field Feasibility Study has made several recommendations to support local players and spectators participating in this growing sport.

In the immediate term, it is recommended that retrofits be carried out at the Lincoln Heights Field to make it New Brunswick’s first competitive, purpose-built dedicated cricket pitch. This includes work aimed at resolving drainage issues, maintenance of the pitches, and the creation of a concrete cricket wicket.

The initial cost for this phase is estimated to be around $326,000. The City has already set aside $280,000 for renovations on the field to be completed this year. With Council’s formal adoption of the study, work will begin right away and be completed by City staff.

In addition to outlining other considerations for the Lincoln Heights Field, like restrooms, changerooms, stands, and bleachers, the study also makes medium- and longer-term recommendations for the sport in Fredericton.

In the medium term, two to four years, the study calls for the development of cricket nets at the Lincoln Heights Field or another centrally located public park. It also recommends the City capitalize on advantages that could come from converting a decommissioned ball diamond for cricket play.

Over the long-term, five to seven years, it is recommended that the City develop a third municipal cricket venue to serve the city and region. Shortlisted locations for the venue include the City snow dump or Killarney Lake Park.

The study, which involved public and stakeholder consultation during the summer of 2021, notes that cricket is played in every province in Canada, and is developing considerably in New Brunswick. There are three cricket clubs in Fredericton, two in Saint John, and one in Moncton.

The recommendations are supported by the City’s municipal plan which says in part that “the City … will encourage a range of outdoor and indoor sport and recreational activities in all seasons.” To see the summary of recommendations, visit

The study was received by the Livable Communities Committee and will be sent on to City Council for formal adoption. Developed by Sierra Planning and Management, under the direction of the City’s recreation division, the study cost $30,000.