City Seeks Planning Advisory Committee Volunteers

City Hall

The City of Fredericton is seeking applications from interested city residents who are willing to serve on the Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) when vacancies become available.

The role of PAC is to advise Council on issues related to rezonings, subdivisions, and amendments to the Municipal Plan, as well as to consider and make decisions on variances from the Zoning By-law. For more information, visit and search Planning Advisory Committee.

The composition of the PAC endeavors to reflect the gender and linguistic representation, as well as the cultural and geographic diversity of the City.

Anyone interested in serving on PAC is asked to submit a letter and brief résumé, demonstrating their experience in land use planning, or a related field, to the undersigned on or before Friday, November 12, 2021.

Office of the City Clerk

397 Queen Street

Fredericton, NB E3B 1B5

Fax: 460-2905
