Request for Information Issued
The City has issued a Request for Information to help shape the future development of Lemont House, a century old downtown landmark. This is the first step in revitalizing the historic building, an architectural highlight of the downtown and Fredericton riverfront.
The City has chosen to undergo a two-phased public process to sell the building, beginning with this Request for information. In issuing a Request for Information, the City is looking to solicit feedback regarding future development plans for the building. This information will then be used to inform the second phase, Request for Proposals, and finally, the sale of the property.
The two-tiered process ensures Lemont House is sold to an entity with plans for making the necessary investments needed to preserve the building structure and guarantee it remains a fixture in downtown Fredericton for generations to come.
In 2021, the City of Fredericton acquired Lemont House, located at 605 Queen Street, and subsequently granted it a heritage designation to preserve its historic character. Constructed in 1882, the building long served as a primary residence before being converted into a community centre in the 1940’s, then most recently into an apartment complex with 15 rental units. For several years now, the building has been vacant and will therefore require extensive renovations to return it to productive use. This building is a significant part of the Officer’s Square area, and the City of Fredericton is committed to seeing it brought to life once again.
Interested parties are encouraged to compose a Development Concept Plan to demonstrate their vision for the property, considering the characteristics of the building as well as the current condition of the structure. For more information, please contact Service Fredericton at 506-460-2020 or by email.
Historic Lemont House