If you have witnessed a crime, or were the victim of a crime, report it to the Fredericton Police Force as soon as possible.
If the crime you would like to report is an emergency, call 911 immediately! It is an emergency situation if life or property is at immediate risk, or if an incident is in-progress. “In-progress” means that the situation is currently ongoing, or a suspect may still be in the immediate area, and/or victims are still in harm's way.
If the crime is not an emergency, you may call the Fredericton Police, visit a Fredericton Police location, or use this simple online crime reporting tool.
The Fredericton Police appreciate the assistance of Fredericton residents in keeping the city safe.
Report a Crime Online Form
This online crime reporting tool makes it easy for you to report non-emergency crimes to the Fredericton Police Force.
You may report the following incidents using this online crime reporting tool:
- Theft of bicycle (less than $5000 CDN)
- Theft (less than $5,000 CDN) not including vehicles or license plates
- Damage/mischief to property (less than $5,000 CDN)
- Theft from vehicle (less than $5,000 CDN)
- Damage/mischief to vehicle (less than $5,000 CDN, and not including vehicle-to-vehicle damage, e.g. hit & run)
- Theft of gas (for gas stations only - not for public)
- Shoplifting (for loss prevention officers only - not for public)
Note: For theft from or damage to a vehicle, we require the make, model and license plate number of the vehicle, so please have this information when completing your report.
Before submitting a report, ensure that:
- this incident occurred within the Fredericton city limits
- you have a valid email address
- there are no known suspects or evidence
- someone did not break into your house, garage/shed or business
- the value of theft, loss or property damage is less than $5,000 (CDN)
- this incident does not involve a firearm
- you are not a victim of a hate crime
- this is not a theft of passport, VISA immigration document, citizenship card or government issued funds
After submitting your report, you’ll receive a confirmation message, and your report will be reviewed by FPF staff. You will receive a temporary tracking number until your report has been approved, and you will be able to print an unofficial copy of the police report to keep for your records.
Online crime reporting is not meant to replace other forms of reporting crime. If you are not comfortable reporting an incident online, you can still visit the Fredericton Police Force at 311 Queen Street.
Please note:
- All cases filed using this online reporting system will be reviewed.
- Upon review, if further investigation of your case is needed, you may be contacted.
- If staff has no further questions about your report, you will receive an email including a permanent case number and a copy of your report which can be used for insurance purposes.
- Remember: filing a false police report is a crime.
If you wish to submit an anonymous tip about a crime for which you are not a victim, contact New Brunswick Crime Stoppers.
Terms and Conditions
I certify that the statements made in this report are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I am aware that misrepresentation or falsifications may result in rejection of my report. I acknowledge and agree that I have read, understood and hereby agree to the terms and conditions identified above.